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Numerology Life Path 1 compatibility

Numerology Life Path 1 Compatibility

The best and worst love matches for the Life Path number 1

By Numerology.com Staff

From the moment of birth, people with the Numerology Life Path number 1 are confident go-getters who have a lot of pride in themselves and their skills. Those with this Life Path number in Numerology are direct, loyal, and action-oriented and need a romantic partner who is compatible with this energy! So which Life Path number would the number 1 desire and be compatible with -- a Life Path 6 or a Life Path 8? And which combinations are anything but karmic spell disaster -- a Life Path 2 or Life Path number 7? Keep reading to find out who it's their destiny to be with...

Life Path 1 and 1 compatibility

According to Numerology, two Life Path number 1s make a challenging combo in life and love, making this a pairing that is most likely short-lived. There is almost too much in common in this relationship of extremes: both are competitive people who like to be center stage, and it's hard to tone down this "winner take all" approach long enough to even attract someone. In a romantic relationship, these two tend to be very confrontational. Still, this kind of passion can make for an attraction powerful enough to overcome the competitive streak. Two number 1s should take care to concentrate on the compatible, loving aspects between them and accept that both cannot be top dog all the time; they should instead respect that they are both strong individuals. Two 1s should avoid letting verbal arguments escalate and check themselves before becoming too aggressive. Unfortunately, violence is a possibility within this s compatibility combination, so 1s should think twice -- or three times -- before speaking in high-pressure situations.

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Life Path 1 and 2 compatibility

This is a very promising combination because, strange as it may seem, Life Path number 1 and Life Path number 2 have very little in common from the outset. A 1 is strong, driven, and overly competitive, while a 2 is more like the power behind the throne. A 2 in Numerology understands a deeper level of things, and their intuition keeps a 1 grounded, while the 1 might throw some weight around. There is little power play in this relationship. A 1 and 2 have a tendency to communicate clearly as they fulfill specific roles: 1 is the driving force, 2 is the peacemaker. But be careful of the backlash: A 2 will bend and surrender to other forces easily, making the 2 more vulnerable to abuse and criticism, while a 1 is more ego-driven and less concerned with damage. Sensitivity to the other's needs can make the 1 and 2 coupling a successful one.

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Life Path 1 and 3 compatibility

Life Path number 1 and Life Path number 3 form one of the best combos for happiness and long-lasting, mutual pleasure. The 1's individualism meshes well with the creativity and "anything goes" attitude of the number 3, and these two could easily become the "fun couple" among their friends. A 1 and a 3 are both fun-loving -- the two can expect to have exciting adventures followed by enlightening conversation. And together, these two overcome obstacles more easily than most couples. The 1's forceful personality means they drive this relationship, and the 3 contributes sunshine and lightness of heart. But a 1 and 3 should be careful: a 1 puts a premium on responsibility and loyalty, while a 3 is more playful and restless and changes direction more easily. Paradoxical as it may seem, it is precisely the unlikeness between these numbers' personalities that brings balance to this relationship.

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Life Path 1 and 4 compatibility

A number 1 and Life Path 4 need to beware: The combo can seem rock solid for a long time, only to crash and burn in the blink of an eye. A number 1 runs the risk of being self-centered and risky; a 4 in Numerology has just as much ambition as a 1, but much more steady and reliable -- a by-the-book kind of person. A Life path number 4 will slog through routine to get things done, while a 1 is much more impatient. These two will be golden as long as the 1 avoids a path of unknowns and questionable results; when this happens, the 4's sturdiness will get the 4 labeled a "stick in the mud," frustrating the 1. This will mean death to the relationship. On the other hand, if the 1 is able to respect the 4's need for a secure life, and the 4 can understand 1's need to try new things, the relationship can endure.

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Life Path 1 and 5 compatibility

Put Life Path 1 and Life Path 5 into a relationship and they will turn heads and get people whispering because they are a good match. This is also a relationship where the words "bored" and "empty" never enter the equation. This combo is like wind and fire -- the energy between the personality traits of these numbers can both create and destroy, but the number 1 and the 5 feed on each other's strengths and respect each other's powers. Together, the 1 and the 5 create moments of rarely achieved highs and ecstatic experiences of love and bonding. Still, the intensity of this match can blow the other way and make the 1 and 5's shared way of living life a destructive one involving addiction or laziness, which can lead to mutual blame of the other. The 1 and the 5 simply need to keep adventurism in check. 1 will play the role of captain of the ship, while the impulsive 5 is a freedom-living number.

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Life Path 1 and 6 compatibility

Life Path number 1 and Life Path number 6 are lucky to find each other. A 6 in Numerology has a great capacity to love and is perhaps the most harmonious of all numbers, while a 1 is an excellent protector who prizes loyalty above all else. A 1 can make a 6 feel safe and secure. Together, they can score a long-term relationship that is free of the turbulence so many other couples experience. The downside is that a 1 in Numerology has only one speed: fast. And a 1 doesn't tolerate weakness. Meanwhile, a 6 is compromising and forgives a great deal, which sometimes makes them seem too sacrificing. A 1 must be careful not to see this as a weakness. The important thing for both a 1 and 6 to understand is that they have different views of human qualities. If they can value the other's good strengths, they're in it for the long haul.

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Life Path 1 and 7 compatibility

Numerology Life Path 1 and Life Path 7 are a wildcard combination -- a couple that either thrives or doesn't stand a chance. There's a powerful intellectual connection here, with the 1's brazen attitude of questioning new and old concepts and the 7's intense curiosity. The 7 is a true rogue, digging and challenging conventional thinking. This is a free-thinking duo, but a 1 and a 7 can be dragged down when it comes to their love life. Neither is eager to expose anything deep or personal, because both 1s and 7s are intensely private people -- 1s want to appear strong, and 7s are most comfortable keeping a distance from others. To succeed even with this setback, a 1 and 7 need to cultivate emotional courage to expose their sensitive, vulnerable sides and lay themselves open to each other. The 7 especially needs to avoid becoming cynical and unreachable.

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Life Path 1 and 8 compatibility

People with a Life Path number of either 1 or 8 are strong-willed; unfortunately, both are also pretty stubborn. In a relationship, the two are like captains on the same ship, where conflicting orders can lead to explosive arguments and hurt. Compromise is premium. The Life Path 8 has financial savvy which complements both numbers' strong business sense, but in work, as in love, both must keep each other's duties separate to avoid stepping on toes. Both the 1 and the 8 demand full respect and an equal playing field, and neither one can handle being dominated. Fortunately, the 1 and 8 also enjoy sharing rich life experiences. If they can acknowledge that they are both sensitive people behind the strong facades, and if both can compromise and communicate on a daily basis, a 1 and an 8 can enjoy a rewarding, happy relationship full of common interests.

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Life Path 1 and 9 compatibility

Life Path 1 and Life Path 9 both lean toward being arrogant and egocentric. This does not make for an easygoing relationship. In fact, 1s and 9s have difficulty understanding the other's point of view at all, and together will create the kind of relationship that their friends and acquaintances just don't understand -- a 1 and a 9 often seem to be polar opposites of each other. The key to success here is distance: each person needs to be independent. While this can be hell in romance, the 1 and 9 combo is much smoother for friends, in business, and between parents and children. Because the numbers stand on opposite ends of the spectrum, they can complement and balance. This is not generally the goal in romance, however, and there must be an intense love between these two for a relationship to flourish -- because they'll have little else in common.

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